Moonstone is the third(!) birthstone for June. It is also popular with people born under the Zodiac sign Cancer.
Moonstone was first discovered thousands of years ago in southern India. Ancient Hindu mythology said it was moonbeams caught in solid form. The Greeks and Romans also associated it with their lunar deities.
Popular through different periods, moonstone was a favorite during the Art Nouveau era (1890s - 1910s). Famous jewelers Rene Lalique and Louis Comfort Tiffany used it in many of their designs. It also enjoyed popularity in the 1960s "flower-child" era, and in New Age designs in the 1990s. Most jewelry designs feature cabochon cuts, since the sheen shows better than in a faceted stone.
In addition to mythological association with lunar goddesses, moonstone has long been considered a feminine stone. It has been said to bring love, passion, and fertility, along with great luck. The different colors of moonstone correspond to different chakras, and each has its own magical properties. These properties include granting visions of the future, relieving stress, calming the mind, opening the heart, and aligning feminine energies. It is a traveler's stone, protecting traders and merchants at sea. Moonstone grants a sense of calm and assured strength.
Moonstone is found all over the world. First discovered in India, it is now mined in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, and Tanzania. It is also found in the United States, in New Mexico, North Carolina, and Virginia. In 1970, Florida made moonstone the official state gem even though there are no deposits in the state. This is because of the Apollo moon landings that launched from Kennedy Space Center.
There are different colors of moonstone, with white or pale blue shimmer. The most valuable is colorless with bright blue sheen, or schiller. It is also found in silver/grey, white, pink, peach, and cream. In 1997, a bright green stone called "Parrot Green" was found in India. There is also rainbow moonstone, which is white, but has a multi-colored schiller.
Moonstone is in the feldspar mineral group. This group makes up over 60% of the earth's crust. It is the most abundant mineral on the planet's surface. Labradorite is also a part of this group. Since moonstone is plentiful, it isn't very expensive.
When moonstone forms, it is two different kinds of feldspar, orthoclase and albite. They have different refractive indexes. When they form in layers only .5 microns thick, light scatters through the stone. This is called adularescence and causes the distinctive schiller of moonstone. Occasionally, a stone will have chatoyancy or asterism, but this is very rare.
Moonstone is a soft gemstone rating 6 - 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. It isn't very tough, so it's best to use it in jewelry that won't be subject to hard wear and tear. Pendants and earrings are excellent choices. Bracelets and rings shouldn't be worn while doing housework or yardwork. Don't use ultrasonic or steam cleaners on your moonstone jewelry. Just use a soft brush and warm soapy water.