What are eternity bands?
Eternity bands are simply rings where the gemstones go all the way around your finger. They are absolutely gorgeous, and come in just about any style you can think of. Here's a link
to just some of the styles available.
Some things to consider:
1. Some gemstones are harder than others. Diamonds are the hardest substance on earth and rate 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. Sapphires and rubies rate 9, and all other gems are softer or more brittle. This means they are easier to break. If you opt for an eternity band, stick with these, or you'll be constantly replacing broken gemstones.
2. Our fingers change size as we age. Weight loss (or gain, but we're not talking about that...) and general aging means that we have to re-size our rings from time to time. Eternity bands don't have a place to do this. You can get one with a "sizing bar", which is a tiny gap between two of the gems, just big enough for a jeweler to cut the ring. If you have the ring sized, that spot will be metal rather than more stones.
3. Most eternity bands are not contoured to match your engagement ring. In some cases, there is a custom-made eternity ring to fit against it, but they are usually straight across.
4. The gemstones are usually the highest cost in a ring. By having stones around the inside of your finger, you increase the price of the ring. Some people consider these stones "wasted" because they don't show.
What are anniversary bands?
Anniversary bands are gemstone rings where the stones do not go all the way around. They typically have 5 or more stones of the same size in a row. In most cases, the bottom half (or shank) of the ring is just metal. Here's a linkto see some of these styles.
Some things to consider:
1. The hardness of your gems still matters, but not quite as much as an eternity band, because it won't be under as much wear and tear. Jewelers usually recommend that you stick with a 8 Mohs rating or higher for an everyday ring, and save softer stones for dressing up.
2. Sizing an anniversary band is rarely an issue. Some types of settings are harder to work with than others, but for the most part, it's just cut & weld. (There's also a rumor going around that you can only size a ring once. That's not true.)
3. As long as your engagement ring isn't an odd shape, it's fairly easy to get a contoured anniversary band to fit. If your ring has a matching accented wedding band, a lot of people just get a second one for the other side.
4. You don't have any "wasted" stones, since they are all on top where they show.
Which one should you get?
The short answer is to get what YOU want! We want you to be happy with your jewelry for years to come. We like to point out the potential issues before you design your ring, just so there aren't any surprises down the road.